Welcome to Apex Health Care
It is located in the city of Gadhinglaj which is popular as healthcare destinations of surrounding region of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Goa.
This hospital was started in the 2015 and is well known for saving lives many serious patient's with it's ADVANCED ICU CARE.
It has the following features.
- An air-conditioned ICU with multi-functional ICU BEDSwith CENTRAL OXYGEN air and vacuum facility to each bed.
- Lifesaving Imported Advanced VENTILATOR (Draeger, Hamilton) for breathing problems.
- DEFIBRILLATOR (Philipsbiphasic) for managing patients with heart attack, irregular heart beating).
- Ultra-sensitive MULTI-PARA MONITORS (nihonkohden, japan) to all beds.
- SYRINGE PUMPS with in-built calculations and dosaging9(accurate medications)
- Dedicated TEAM OF DOCTORS.
- SCANNING (MRI, CT) available in same roof.
- Laboratory services.
- Point of care ABG machine to accurately blood oxygen carbon dioxide
- lactate measurement bedside.
- ICU bedside X-ray and ECHO.
- OPERATION THEATRE for emergency and elective surgeries.
- Ward facility for stable patients
Many lives which would have been lost due to delayed treatment orlack of care have been saved here at APEX ICU.
We are recognized by ROHINI GOVT. Registry.